
Anush Infobase knows that support is crucial. Providing the customer best of services after they have purchased a product or service from us only strengthens the customer relationship and fosters long term customer relationships. This happens only because the purpose behind the purchase must be achieved with elan. We have understood it so well that the customer can really achieve his goals and get delighted with our first-in-class support.

We innovate in this area on a daily basis and looking for new ways to support the customers. We even offer certain tools & little training on getting support from our software labs.

Anush Infobase offers best-in-class support leveraging following methods.

Remote Desktop (Online) Support

With your permission, our support engineers will take control of your desktop. You can view what is being done on your computer by our experts. We use licensed software tools for this purpose and we get connected to your computer in just a few minutes. This is extremely popular among our customers.

This method is employed to support customers across the globe.


Telephonic support is found to be very effective and most of the problems can be solved over the telephone with great ease. This is employed as a first measure. You can call our support line numbers displayed on each page of the software product you use.


Users can get in touch with the support team by e-mails. E-mail support is found to be useful if the end user does not have enough time to interact with support staff over long periods or when the situtaion truly demands.

Onsite Support

We have dedicated and well trained support staff who handel these onsite support calls as and when it is found necessary.

Installation Manuals

Each software product is delivered with Installation Manual. This 'easy to understand' manual makes job easy for users to install the software, manage license keys, manage their accounts.

Help Manuals

The software is bundled with Help files that contain all the necessary information about the software product they use. That enables the customer to use the application more effectively with immediate help. Many times, a small piece of information will be so valuable and saves lot of effort & time. A press on F1 ( Hot key on your PC's Keyboard) shall take you to the related help page that describes about the module they are in. It will be supplemented with search options so that user can find a section of his choice by entering a search string.